Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Morning

Well its Monday!
Normally I do Monday Morning Finds. Well it still is Morning finds.

The finds are from our store. We finally got the Catapult listed on Etsy. One was sold on the Second day on Etsy. Brandon was pretty happy.

I've also got some new hats

And some new wall hangings!

and this one:

(this one will be listed today!)

That's it for Monday Morning Finds! You'll find them all on our site!
*Don't forget to enter in the Little People/Faerie giveaway just scroll down to the giveaway!


hy said...

i love that catapult! how fun!!
and the mermaid is lovely too!

Rocki Adams said...

I just love the wall hangings! Very nice blog and thank you for visiting mine!

missknits said...

your felt work is amazing and i just love the catapult!!!

April said...

I love the hat with heart...I love hats and hearts - what could be better than a combination of both?